[Driftstörning] FIXED: Problems with account locking/unlocking

Fredrik Mellström traal at chalmers.se
Tors Nov 10 11:57:33 CET 2011

(Translation in English below.)


Den senaste veckan har det varit problem med att datorkonton inte har 
låsts eller låsts upp automatiskt, så som det brukar fungera.

Detta har till exempel drabbat anställda och studenter, som har varit 
inaktiva en tid, och kommit tillbaka till Chalmers under den senaste 
veckan.  De har då inte per automatik fått sina konton upplåsta, utan 
har varit tvungna att kontakta IT-Service.

Problemet fixades idag under förmiddagen, och alla datorkonton som 
missades under veckan har också blivit uppdaterade till korrekt status.


The past week there was a problem with computer accounts not being 
locked or unlocked automatically.

This has affected, for instance, employees and students who have 
returned during the past week from a period of inactivity.  They have 
not had their computer accounts re-enabled automatically, as they 
normally would, and instead they had to contact IT Systems and Services 
for assistance.

The problem was fixed this morning, and all computer accounts that we 
missed during the past week have now been updated to their correct status.

--------  Details (in english only) ----------

Start of problem: Fri Nov 4, 2011, before 11 AM

(Will be) solved at: around 11 AM, today

Affected users: Those whose account changed status

Affected systems: Central password systems (Kerberos and AD)


Med vänlig hälsning / Kind Regards
Chalmers ServiceDesk, IT-Service
Fredrik Mellström
WEB: http://www.chalmers.se/its
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