[Driftstörning] Student portal will be restarted now

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Tors Okt 20 17:14:38 CEST 2011

(in english below)

Vi har fn störning i studentportalstjänsterna och vi kommer nu att starta om systemet

Currently we have some problems with the student portal services and we
Will now restart the system

Start of problem: unknown
Portal: http://studentportal.chalmers.se/
Affected services: all
Estimated repaired: 17:30

Chalmers ServiceDesk
//Hasse Freij

Tel: 031-772 6600 (031-772 6500 student)

For links to Email/Blogg/Facebook for Service Desk and IT-Service,
see Chalmers homepage -> Insidan/Intranet -> Arbetsverktyg/Tools
-> IT/IT-services

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