[Driftstörning] Linux fileserver down several times past weekend

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Mon Mars 28 08:21:43 CEST 2011

Hej!  / Hi!   - (in English below)

Under helgen som varit har vi haft ett par stopp på vår filserver för Linux-systemen. De som försökt logga in på Linux-datorer under de tillfällen som det varit stopp har inte kommit åt sin centrala hemmakatalog vilket i de flesta fall inneburit att man inte kunnat logga in alls.

Eftersom det under helgen pågått annat arbete med systemet har det funnits personal på plats som kunnat starta om systemet ganska snabbt.

Vad som orsakat problemen är ännu inte känt.

During the last weekend we had a few stop in the fileserver used by the Linux system. Those who tried to login on Linux computers when the server was down have not been able to access their central home folder, which in most cases have meant that it has not been possible to login at all.

Since there have been other work on the computer system this weekend, there have been personal on duty who could restart the system fairly quickly.

The cause of the problems are not known yet.

Chalmers ServiceDesk
//Hasse Freij

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