[Driftstörning] Core network maintenance Wednesday 20240214 and Monday 20240219 at 06:30

Per-Olof Olsson peo at chalmers.se
Tors Feb 8 13:40:07 CET 2024

Core network maintenance Wednesday 20221003 and Monday 20221010 at 06:30

Mjukvaruuppgradering i core-router kommer förhoppningsvis inte att störa 
verksamheten då vi använder redundanta system.

The software upgrade is expected to have almost no impact on 
connectivity to/from campus as all affected hardware is redundant.

20240214  06:30 core1
20240219  06:30 core2

Per-Olof Olsson               Email: peo at chalmers.se
Chalmers tekniska högskola    IT-avdelningen
Sven Hultins gata 8           412 96 Göteborg
Tel: 031/772 6738     Mob: 0707 88 3708

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