[Driftstörning] Some student mail accounts is not working

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Fre Juni 3 14:39:01 CEST 2022

Hej / Hi (in english below)

Vi har fått in ett antal anmälningar om studentmailkonton som slutat fungera. Vi arbetar på att hitta orsaken och kommer att återställa kontona under kommande timmen

We have got reports about student email account that have stopped to work. We are investigating and are working on restoring the functionality during the next hour.

//Hasse Freij

Start of problem:  June 1, June 2 or today – different for different users
Estimated to be solved: today, before 15.30
Affected users:  Students. Estimated about 1300 mail accounts can be affected

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