[Driftstörning] Replacing certificate/Byte av certifikat vpn19-gw (Always ON VPN) 2021-05-26 at 18:00

Kejvan Redjamand kejvan at chalmers.se
Ons May 26 18:26:26 CEST 2021


This work is done.

Kind regards,
Kejvan Redjamand
IT-avdelningen | IT Office

From: driftstorning <driftstorning-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> On Behalf Of Kejvan Redjamand
Sent: den 24 maj 2021 17:19
To: driftstorning at lists.chalmers.se
Subject: [Driftstörning] Replacing certificate/Byte av certifikat vpn19-gw (Always ON VPN) 2021-05-26 at 18:00


We are going to apply a new certificate followed by a restart of vpn19-gw.chalmers.se at 18:00 Wednesday 2021-05-26.
This is the server that hosts the Always On VPN users (on Windows CDA computers).

The work will take around 10 minutes if all goes well.
All ongoing sessions will end. Please log out before the announced service time.
The other VPN service vpn-gw.chalmers.se is NOT affected. It may be used instead.

We apologize for the troubles it may cause you.

Kind regards,

Kejvan Redjamand
IT-avdelningen | IT Office
+46(0)31 772 5919

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