[Driftstörning] Akut uppdatering av printsystemet / Urgent update of the print system.

Thomas Kutsomihas thomas.kutsomihas at chalmers.se
Tis Dec 21 09:50:40 CET 2021


Print system is up and running again.

Thomas Kutsomihas
IT-support, Chalmers IT-avdelning
IT-portal: http://www.chalmers.se/IT
E-mail: support at chalmers.se<mailto:support at chalmers.se>
Tel: 031-772 6600 (031-772 6500 for students)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chalmers.itsupport

From: driftstorning <driftstorning-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> On Behalf Of Thomas Kutsomihas
Sent: den 21 december 2021 09:08
To: 'driftstorning at lists.chalmers.se' <driftstorning at lists.chalmers.se>
Subject: [Driftstörning] Akut uppdatering av printsystemet / Urgent update of the print system.

(Translation in English below.)


Vi behöver utföra en akut säkerhetsuppdatering av printsystemet. Vi beräknar att installation av uppdateringen kommer ta ca en timme.

Det kommer inte gå att skriva ut något under tiden som printsystemet uppdateras.


We need to perform an urgent security update of the print system. We estimate that installation will take approximately one hour. It will not be possible to print anything while the update is installed.

Thomas Kutsomihas
IT-support, Chalmers IT-avdelning
IT-portal: http://www.chalmers.se/IT
E-mail: support at chalmers.se<mailto:support at chalmers.se>
Tel: 031-772 6600 (031-772 6500 for students)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chalmers.itsupport

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