[Driftstörning] Solved - DNS problems

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Tis Nov 26 09:25:53 CET 2019

Hej / Hi (in english below)

Vi har haft problem med DNS tjänsten där vissa CDA klientdatorer inte kunnat registrera sig på
fast nät. De flesta laptopar har dock anslutit via WiFi istället. Dessa bör ha återanslutit till
fast nät med automatik så fort nätet började fungera igen. Omstart kan dock krävas i vissa fall.


We have had problems with our DNS service affecting some CDA client computers that have
not been able to get a wired internet connection. Most laptops have automatically connected
over WiFi instead. These should have reconnect to the wired network as soon as it was working
again. Restart of some computers may be needed.

//Hasse Freij
Chalmers IT Support

Problem: DNS not assigning IP-adresses to clients in some buildings.
Start of problem: Monday 25 nov around 22.15
Solved:  09.15am  26 nov 2019
Affected: CDA clients in some buildings.

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