[Driftstörning] Restart of file server SOL on Thursday 2018-sep-27 at 21.00 (9 pm)

Börje Sennung bse at chalmers.se
Tors Sep 27 21:58:22 CEST 2018

work is completed

Börje Sennung
System administrator
Chalmers Operations Support
IT Office
+46 (0)31 - 772 6736
bse at chalmers.se

Chalmers University of Technology
SE- 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

From: driftstorning <driftstorning-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> on behalf of Hasse S G Freij <hazze at chalmers.se>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 15:45
To: 'driftstorning at lists.chalmers.se'
Subject: [Driftstörning]  Restart of file server SOL on Thursday 2018-sep-27 at 21.00 (9 pm)

Hej / Hi (in english below)

På torsdag kväll (2018-sep-27 kl 21:00) kommer vi att starta om

filserver SOL. återigen för att försöka förbättra prestanda i


Omstarten beräknas ta ca 15 minuter. Hemmakataloger i

Linux-systemen, gruppfilutrymmen, programvaror på

Linux samt de flesta webbservrar (dock undantaget

chalmers.se) m.fl. kommer inte att kunna användas under

denna tid.

Vi räknar med att alla beroende system kommer att

fungera som vanligt efter avbrottet. In och utloggning

på Linux-system är troligen inte fungerande under avbrottet.


On Thursday evening (2018-sep-27 at 9pm) we will restart

our file server SOL, this to further improve the performance

of the system.

The restart is estimated to take about 15 minutes. Home

directories in Linux systems, group file areas, programs

on Linux and most of our web servers (but not chalmers.se)

and more, will not be available during this time.

We believe all systems will continue to work as usual after

the disruption. Login and Logout on Linux systems will most

likely not  work during the maintenance.

//Hasse Freij

Chalmers IT Office

Start of maintenance: 2018-sep-27 around 9.00 pm

End of maintenance: 2018-sep-27 around 9.15 pm

Affected systems:    Home directories in Linux systems,

group file areas, programs on Linux and most of our web

servers (but not chalmers.se) and more, will not be

available during this time. Login/Logout at Linux

systems, will most likely not  work during the maintenance.

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