[Driftstörning] FIle00 fileserver down (update) estimated to be solved at 16:00

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Mon May 28 15:47:40 CEST 2018

Filserver FILE00 är nu åter i full drift

The file server FILE00 is now fully functional again.

//Hasse Freij, IT-support

Start of problem: 14:36 today

Problem solved: 15:48 today

Affected users: Windows computers

From: driftstorning <driftstorning-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> on behalf of Hasse S G Freij
Sent: 28 May 2018 15:24
To: 'driftstorning at lists.chalmers.se'
Subject: Re: [Driftstörning] FIle00 fileserver down (update) estimated to be solved at 16:00


ca 1/3 av filservern är nu åter fungerande och vi beräknar nu att det tar ca 30 minuter till innan

alla delar är i drift igen

about 1/3 of the file server are now working again and we estimate that it will take about 30

minutes more until all parts are up and working again.

From: driftstorning <driftstorning-bounces at lists.chalmers.se> on behalf of Hasse S G Freij
Sent: 28 May 2018 15:02
To: 'driftstorning at lists.chalmers.se'
Subject: [Driftstörning] FIle00 fileserver down

Något är fel med filserver FILE00 och vi arbetar på att få det att fungera igen. Vi hoppas att det inte skall ta någon längre

tid .

There are some problems with main windows file server that is not working properly. We are working on getting it back up again.

We hope it will come back relatively soon.

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