[Driftstörning] Fördröjningar i email / EMail delays

Hasse S G Freij hazze at chalmers.se
Fre Dec 14 15:15:08 CET 2018

Hi / Hej

It seems like we have some delays in the email deliverys at  the moment. Possibly

caused by someone filling up the internet with a lot of spam. This does not affect

email sent within Chalmers, only to/from outside.  Students emails are on the outside.

Det ser ut som vi har fördröjningar i emailen för närvarande. Troligen orsakat av att

någon just nu fyller upp internätet med en massa spam. Detta påverkar inte mail

inom Chalmers, bara till/från utsidan. Studenternas email ligger på utsidan

Chalmers IT Support
//Hasse Freij

Start of problem: Reported 15:05

Estimated to be solved. Unknown, external causes. Possibly in a few hours

Affected users: Staff sending email to outside and staff waiting for email from outside

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