[Driftstörning]Emergency network management.

Fredrik Rönnvall fredronn at chalmers.se
Tors Okt 12 18:21:22 CEST 2017

The worko on wlan2-gw has been completed.

  Fredrik Rönnvall, IT-avdelningen

> Thursday October 12th.
> 	Router wlan2-gw. All WiFi at Chalmers, and NOMAD at LAN are at
> 	risk. However, all services are redundant, so the service impact
> 	is expected to  be small. In case of problems, the services will
> 	be affected.

On Mon, Oct 02, 2017 at 02:36:07PM +0200, Göran Bengtson wrote:
> We must upgrade the software in our central network equipment.
> The work will start at 17:30 on the following dates, and is expected to
> end within 2 hours. The network downtime is expected to be 5-10 minutes.
> LAN as well as WiFi is affected.
> Thursday October 5th.
> 	Router ed-m-gw causing service downtime for the ED and M buildings,
> 		Hörsalarna, HSB Living Lab, Onsala Space Observatory and
> 		the Student union.  The evacuated CA-building (at
> 		Chalmersplatsen) is also affected.
> 	Router sb-0246-gw causing downtime for the SB building (incl. VoV2),
> 	the Chalmers LAN and WiFi in the student union building (including
> 	Runan), and the J51 building (black building) at Johanneberg Science
> 	Park.  This work will start at 18:15.
> Tuesday October 10th.
> 	Router chl-gw, causing downtime for the entire campus Lindholmen.
> 	Router l-1119c-gw, causing downtime for the Mathematical Sciences
> 	buildings, the main library at campus Johanneberg, the buildings at
> 	Vasa, C3SE, and the Chalmers-connected networks at CTP.
> 	Router mc-a308-gw, causing downtime for the Physics buildings, the
> 	Chemistry buildings, and MC2.
> Wednesday October 11th.
> 	Router hall-gw. The central computer center is affected, but most
> 	systems have redundant connections. If no unexpected  problems occur,
> 	the service impact will be small. In case of problems most services
> 	at Chalmers will be affected to some degree. This maintenance may
> 	take longer than 2 hours.
> 			/ Göran Bengtson
> 			  IT-Services

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