[Driftstörning] Network maintenance 20160120 starting at 17:00

Göran Bengtson goeran at chalmers.se
Ons Jan 13 13:28:47 CET 2016

To prepare for a hardware expansion, the router ed-m-gw must be restarted
with new software. The work is planned for Wednesday 201601120 starting
at 17:00 and is expected to take less than 10 minutes.

During the maintenance the network (LAN and WiFi) will be down in the:
 	EDIT buildings.
 	M buildings (including HA-HC).
 	Central Administration buildings (Chalmersplatsen).
 	The student union.
 	Onsala Space Observatory.

 		      /	Göran Bengtson
 			IT Infrastructure

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