[Driftstörning] Driftstörning webbhotellet

Thomas Kutsomihas thomas.kutsomihas at chalmers.se
Tis Nov 17 08:11:00 CET 2015


Vi upplever just nu driftstörningar i webbhotellet, vilket innebär att vissa hemsidor knutna till Chalmers ligger nere. Vi jobbar på att lösa problemen så fort som möjligt.


We are currently experiencing disturbances in the web hosting service, which means that some web pages on Chalmers is down. We are working on solving the issues as soon as possible.

Chalmers Servicedesk
Thomas Kutsomihas
WEB: http://www.chalmers.se/its
E-mail: support at chalmers.se
Tel: 031-772 6600 (031-772 6500 for students)
Blogg: http://www.chalmers.se/driftinfo/
Facebook: http://www.chalmers.se/servicedesk-facebook

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