[Driftstörning] Scheduled downtime of Sunet Baas for maintenance 25/11 12:00->18:00 (fwd)

Erik Larsson erikl at chalmers.se
Fre Nov 13 14:11:49 CET 2015

Vår leverantör av backuptjänsten Sunet Baas har en planerad driftstörning 
på eftermiddagen den 25/11 enlig nedan.

Erik Larsson
Chalmers IT-avdelning
BaaS users,

Following the physical relocation of our equipment that completed
without disruption yesterday, we are now scheduling a secondary
maintenance window.

Reason: Networking software update, FW changes & host patching.
When: Wednesday 25th of November, 2015
Time window: 12:00 CET - 18:00 CET
How: Due to redundancy in the design we expect short service
affecting downtime during the maintenance window. TSM server reboot
means approx. one hour of downtime for backups - scheduled during low

We'll return with more detailed notifications shortly prior to and
during the maintenance window to inform upon when there is actual
downtime on respective services.

Also, we refer to our OOB status page at https://ipnett.github.io

Best regards,
Martin Millnert
CTO Cloud Services
+46766292517 | martin.millnert at ipnett.com
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