[Driftstörning] Problem med webhotell, lösta nu

Fredrik Mellström traal at chalmers.se
Mon Feb 2 10:33:18 CET 2015

(Translation in English below.)


Det var problem med det centrala webhotellet, som vi åtgärdade kl 9:23 
idag.  Problemet gjorde tjänster på webhotellet onåbara från Chalmers 
nätverk, men de fungerade troligen från resten av världen.

Problemen uppstod efter en krasch i VMware, vilket ledde till en 
oförutsedd omstart igår kl 11:30.  Vi har sett till att problemen inte 
kan inträffa igen, och gjort en kontrollerad omstart kl 10:23 idag för 
att bekräfta att allting fungerar.


There were some problems with the central web hotell, which we fixed at 
9.23 a.m. today.  The problem made the services unavailable from the 
Chalmers network, but probably available to the rest of the world.

The problems started after a VMware crash caused an unscheduled restart 
yesterday at 11.30 a.m.; we have now made changes to avoid similar 
problems in the future, and confimed that everything works by performing 
a controlled restart at 10.23 a.m. today.

--------  Details (in english only) ----------

Start of problem: 11.30 a.m. (Sun 1 January, 2015)

(Will be) solved at: 10.23 a.m. today (Mon 2 Jan, 2015)

Affected users: Everybody on the internal Chalmers network

Affected systems: The central web hotel, all hosted sites.

(Note: Affected users/systems might be wrong or different, this
is a quick estimate, before all facts are known to us.)


Med vänlig hälsning / Kind Regards
Chalmers ServiceDesk, IT-Service
Fredrik Mellström
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