[Driftstörning] Problem med lagring / file00
Fredrik Mellström
traal at chalmers.se
Ons Nov 5 10:18:48 CET 2014
(Translation in English below.)
Det har blivit oförutsedda problem vid switchbytet, och tyvärr har detta
påverkat vissa tjänster, bland annat windowsfilservern file00.
Arbete pågår med att återställa alla tjänster snarast möjligt.
Right now we have encountered unforeseen problems, caused by the switch
replacement. One of the services affected is the central windows file
server, file00.
We are currently working on restoring all services as soon as possible.
-------- Details (in english only) ----------
Start of problem: 9.45 A.M. (Wed Nov 5, 2014)
(Will be) solved at: unknown, but hopefully before 11.00 A.M.
Affected users: Everybody
Affected systems: file00, the Windows file server
(Note: Affected users/systems might be wrong or different, this
is a quick estimate, before all facts are known to us.)
Med vänlig hälsning / Kind Regards
Chalmers ServiceDesk, IT-Service
Fredrik Mellström
WEB: http://www.chalmers.se/its
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On 2014-10-29 16:44, Börje Sennung wrote:
> This message will follow in english:
> Onsdag 5/11 med start 9.00 kommer en switch att bytas i vårt lagringsnätverket (SAN). Under arbetet kommer feltåligheten att minska något, men vi räknar inte med att driften av anslutna system skall påverkas.
> In english:
> On wednesday 5/11 starting at 9.00 a switch will be replaced in our storage network (SAN). During the work there will be reduced redundancy, but we do not anticipate any effects for the connected servers.
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