[Driftstörning] Network maintenance 14/7 - 22/7
Göran Bengtson
goeran at chalmers.se
Mon Juli 7 13:47:38 CEST 2014
We will upgrade the software on most of our core switches/routers.
This will in most cases cause network downtime.
The plan is as follows:
o On Monday July 14th. core1-gw.chalmers.se. This will cause loss
of redundancy to internet but will not cause any immediate service
o On Tuestday July 15th. core2-gw.chalmers.se. The same impact as for
the previous router.
o On Wednesday July 16th. a-v-gw.chalmers.se. This will cause
a network downtime of ca. 5 minutes for the Civil Engineerings
and Architecture buildings.
o On Monday July 21th. ed-m-gw.chalmers.se followed by
The first will case a network downtime of ca. 5 minutes for the
ED-building, AoS in the central administration building, Onsala
Space Observatory (the department network, not the telescope networks),
the M-building, the HA-HC buildings, the M-departments in the
Architechture building and the Student Union.
The second will cause a a network downtime of ca. 5 minutes for
the entire Campus Lindholmen,
o On Tuesday July 22nd. mc-a308-gw.chalmers.se followed by
The first will case a network downtime for all physics
and Chemistry departments and for MC2.
The second till case a network downtime of ca. 5 minutes for
the buildings at Vasa, Chalmersska huset, Hammarkullen, C3SE.
CTP, Installationsteknik at SP. the Library.nd the mathematics department.
The maintenance will start ca. 17:00. When more than one router/switch is
involved, the maintenance for the second will start ca. 17:30.
Other organisations than those mentioned above may be affected.
Both Ethernet and WiFi are affected by the maintenance.
/ Göran Bengtson
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