[Driftstörning] SOLVED - Restart fil00 CANCELED
Hasse S G Freij
hazze at chalmers.se
Tors May 2 16:45:35 CEST 2013
(in english below)
Vi har lyckats hitta och komma runt problemet med fileservern. Det blir därför ingen omstart kl 1700
Systemet fungerar nu åter som det skall.
Felsökning för att försöka hitta orsaken till störningen kommer att ske under kvällen. Detta bedöms inte
påverka driften alls.
We have succeeded to find and circumvent the problem with our file server. There will be no restart
The system are now working properly again.
We will try to find the causes to this disturbance during this evening but we estimate that it will not
affect the system.
-------- Details (in English only) ----------
Start of problem: Thursday 2 May 2013 at 15.30
Are solved since: 16:30
Affected users: About 22% (corrected number) of Windows users trying to access home directories and profiles
Affected system: file00.chalmers.se
Chalmers ServiceDesk
//Hasse Freij
Tel: 031-772 6600 (031-772 6500 student)
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