[Leaders-uki] Invitation CDIO European Regional Meeting 2016

Linda Ruigrok L.E.Ruigrok at tudelft.nl
Thu Oct 15 13:54:08 CEST 2015

Dear CDIO leader,

On behalf of the 3TU.Centre for Engineering Education I would like to invite you for the CDIO European Regional Meeting 2016 'Inventing tomorrow's Engineering Education'. This conference will be hosted by 3TU.CEE and will take place on 25 & 26 January 2016 at Delft University of Technology.
Please find our invitation in the attachment.

We hope to meet you in January!
Best regards,

L.E. (Linda) Ruigrok-Baljeu
Project leader 3TU.Federation

Postbus 5 | 2600 AA Delft
Stevinweg 1 | room 5.19 | 2628 CN Delft | The Netherlands | directions<http://www.tudelft.nl/gebouw23>
+31 (0)6 48 27 55 61
projectleider at 3tu.nl<mailto:secretaris at 3tu.nl>
3TU.Federation is a partnership between Eindhoven University of Technology, Twente University and Delft University of Technology.

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