[Leaders-uki] Don't forget to sign up for the CDIO-European Regional Meeting, Iceland Feb 5-6

Jenny Netzler jenny.netzler at chalmers.se
Thu Jan 15 10:35:46 CET 2015


We just want to remind you and your colleagues that it is still possible to sign up for the CDIO European Regional Meeting, Iceland 5-6. The meeting is held at Reykjavik University, this meeting is a good opportunity for experienced CDIO leaders and collaborators, as well as for newcomers, to meet and share experiences and good practices on CDIO based engineering education. We welcome program directors, deans, associate deans, teachers and representatives engaged in pedagogical development.

SIGN UP HERE<https://www.eventsforce.net/travelplanners/frontend/reg/tSelectBookingMode.csp?pageID=66173&eventID=147&tempPersonID=136158&eventID=147>

Short programme
The meeting will start with registration at 8:30 o´clock Thursday February 5th in Reykjavik University.  The program begins at 9:00 o´clock with two keynote speakers, and proceeds with parallel sessions throughout the day, with lunch and coffee breaks.

The conference dinner will be at the Blue Lagoon in the evening with the option of swimming in the Blue Lagoon before dinner.

On Friday February 6th, we will start early, at 8:30 and work until 11:30 o´clock.  At 11:30 o´clock there will be lunch,  which those who are leaving Iceland on afternoon flights eat quickly and those who have time can linger over.

More information about the conference can be found here: http://en.ru.is/cdio
We are happy to see that you help us spread the word to all of your CDIO-interested colleagues and friends.

If you have any questions? Please contact Ingunn Sæmundsdóttir, Reykjavik University by email: ingunn at ru.is<mailto:ingunn at ru.is>

Kind regards/
Jenny Netzler

Kommunikatör | Communications officer  |  CDIO Coordinator
Produkt- och produktionsutveckling | Product and Production Development  | CDIO Office
+46 (0)31 772 28 49
+46 (0)76 633 28 49
jenny.netzler at chalmers.se<mailto:jenny.netzler at chalmers.se>

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Chalmers tekniska högskola | Chalmers University of Technology
Hörsalsvägen 7A (plan 5)
SE-412 96 Göteborg
www.chalmers.se/ppd<http://www.chalmers.se/ppd> | www.cdio.org<http://www.cdio.org>

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