From johan.benesch at Thu May 2 10:43:11 2024 From: johan.benesch at (Johan Veiga Benesch) Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 08:43:11 +0000 Subject: [All.non-board.wacqt] WACQT on Teams & SharePoint Message-ID: Dear WACQT members, To share some information within WACQT a dedicated MS Teams Team and a SharePoint site have been set up. This in part due to comments from the SAB last year about some not knowing what WACQT is about and/or want to find out more about the internal information we have. To that end you will soon receive invites to WACQT on Teams and SharePoint via at least one of two cryptic emails: Everyone: One from wacqt at entitled "You've joined the WACQT group" Everyone outside Chalmers: One from noreply at entitled "You have been added as a guest to Chalmers in Microsoft Teams". Please do not reply to any of them, and do not email wacqt at I mean cryptic because the content is by default settings of Microsoft, so to a large extent not really relevant for us. The intention is to share documents of interest with everyone in WACQT. In the channel "General" under the tab "Files" you will find our annual reports, logotypes, templates etc. For newcomers a [?pdf icon] welcome to WACQT (link to SharePoint, once you have the access) document is available. This document gives an overview of WACQT and its parts. There also "old-timers" can find details about open access, acknowledgements, and few other things. I will shortly send out info about the findings from the survey on open culture. A few channels have been defined. If you see the need for any other channel please let me know. This is not intended for scientific raw data and similar. Note that some information is instead shared via For example, the list of courses on quantum technology and requirements for PhD students in our graduate school. On monthly basis I review who should have access to WACQT on Teams/SharePoint, based on information I and Linda collect regularly about WACQT affiliations. If you find that your access has been revoked and think you still are with WACQT, please ask your supervisor or centre PI to contact me. Only I and Linda Brånell add or remove members of the WACQT Team and the SharePoint site. There are two ways to access the files: MS Teams 1. Chalmers: In the left column under Team select WACQT. Each channel has a tab "Files" at the top. 2. Outside Chalmers: You first need to "change organisation". Click on your icon/photo in the top right corner. Select Chalmers. You should now see yourself as a guest at Chalmers. Then do as above. 3. Outside Chalmers but without Microsoft license. If your organisation does not provide any relevant Microsoft license I hope that you still can register for a private MS account using your work email address (there should be an option for this in the login page). Then do as above. If that does not work, please let me know. SharePoint Here the files are presented in the same structure of channels and folders as in Teams. Access is via your work email address. WACQT does not issue login details, that is all with your own organisation. If you have any questions on this, please let me know. Yours, Johan Johan Veiga Benesch, PhD GradDip MSc Scientific Coordinator : WACQT : Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology MC2 : Microtechnology and Nanoscience Chalmers University of Technology SE 412 96 Göteborg +46 (0)729 743 434 johan.benesch at Fascinating quantum research and the creation of a Swedish quantum computer -------------- next part -------------- En HTML-bilaga skiljdes ut... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 371 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: From johan.benesch at Tue May 7 16:35:16 2024 From: johan.benesch at (Johan Veiga Benesch) Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 14:35:16 +0000 Subject: [All.non-board.wacqt] WACQT : survey on open culture and a few other items Message-ID: Dear WACQT members, You can now find on WACQT on Teams and SharePoint a report on the findings of the survey on open culture in WACQT. I would like to thank the respondents for their valuable input! [?pdf icon] Survey on open culture in WACQT 2024 report on findings.pdf In short, most of the respondents think that we have a good open culture within WACQT, but sadly some still feel pressure from above to not talk about their results with others. This seems to be mainly related to the recent surge of interest in creating spin-offs based on results from WACQT. At Chalmers the local spin-offs had two meetings last year to talk with the researchers about their plans for further developments of products based on results coming from Chalmers. A possible way forward to increase transparency prior to exploitation is that those that plan to either create a spin-off or protect intellectual property make disclosures within their own groups and towards those that have been involved in creating the relevant results. I hope this step will create clarity and avoid future surprises. In any case, please read the report! The respondents gave ample concrete suggestions for both open culture and community building activities. Some additional information outside the scope of this survey: Reading between the lines in the SAB report one also senses a perceived lack of information towards newcomers about what WACQT really is and who does what. To that end an information package has devised (Welcome to WACQT) and the WACQT website has been populated with additional information, including a list of quantum technology courses in Sweden. Also, a "light intranet" using MS Teams and SharePoint has been devised for internal sharing of information (excluding raw data and similar). See separate emails and invites. At academia there are channels you can use in the case that you have been discriminated against, harassed, intimidated and/or victimised. You find a summary here: Chalmers is in the process of changing its procedure. "Safe at Chalmers" is now only for students. Info on the procedure for employees is expected to come out soon. KAW has requested a mid-term report covering the first six years, from 2018 to 2023. You find a draft here: [?pdf icon] WACQT mid-time report v2024-05-06 cleaned.pdf Pending input from the Board and KAW we might update it and expect to produce a brochure about WACQT based on it. See you next week! Yours, Johan Johan Veiga Benesch, PhD GradDip MSc Scientific Coordinator : WACQT : Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology MC2 : Microtechnology and Nanoscience Chalmers University of Technology SE 412 96 Göteborg +46 (0)729 743 434 johan.benesch at Fascinating quantum research and the creation of a Swedish quantum computer -------------- next part -------------- En HTML-bilaga skiljdes ut... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 371 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: From peter.samuelsson at Mon May 27 12:22:38 2024 From: peter.samuelsson at (Peter Samuelsson) Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 10:22:38 +0000 Subject: [All.non-board.wacqt] VB: Registration, WACQT field trip to Helsinki September 18 - 21, 2024 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear all, Just a friendly reminder to all WACQT PhD students and SWE-FIN postdocs to register for the Helsinki field trip, see below. The registration deadline is June 19. If you already registered, please disregard this reminder, All the best, Peter ________________________________ Från: Peter Samuelsson Skickat: den 25 mars 2024 22:38 Till: all.non-board.wacqt at Kopia: Linda Brånell ; Susannah Carlsson ; Johan Veiga Benesch ; Katia Gallo ; Markus Hennrich Ämne: Registration, WACQT field trip to Helsinki September 18 - 21, 2024 Dear all, The web page for the Helsinki field trip is now available, on The deadline for registration is June 19 but we ask you to register as soon as you can, to make the planning as smooth as possible. Due to space limitations, the trip is only open for WACQT PhD students and postdocs within the WACQT Sweden-Finland program. The trip is mandatory for WACQT PhD students. We will update the web page with more information about the scientific program and the details of the travel arrangements as soon as we have it. All the best, For the graduate school/Peter [] Helsinki field trip 2024 WACQT graduate school is organizing a visit to Helsinki, to learn about Finnish efforts within quantum technology. ________________________________ Från: Peter Samuelsson Skickat: den 8 mars 2024 09:38 Till: all.non-board.wacqt at Kopia: Linda Brånell ; Johan Veiga Benesch Ämne: Save-the-date: WACQT PhD-student field trip to Helsinki September 18 - 21, 2024 Dear all WACQT-colleagues, Following up on the very rewarding field trip to Copenhagen roughly a year ago, on September 18-21 we are planning for a visit to Helsinki to learn more about the Finnish Quantum Technology efforts and to make contacts with our Finnish colleagues. We plan to meet with groups at Aalto university and Helsinki university, visit labs and talk to companies, the exact schedule is not decided yet. We will take the ferry from Stockholm in the afternoon the 18th and arrive in Helsinki in the morning the 19th. The scientific visit in Helsinki will be lunch-to-lunch, 19th - 20th. In the afternoon the 20th we take the ferry back and arrive in Stockholm in the morning the 21st. Details about transportation and housing will follow, but we already now ask the WACQT PhD-students to save the dates. We consider the trip mandatory for all WACQT PhD students. We will return with information about the registration as soon as we have it. All the best, For the Graduate School/ Peter -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: winmail.dat Type: application/ms-tnef Size: 27067 bytes Desc: inte tillgänglig URL: From cristina.andersson at Thu May 30 16:38:31 2024 From: cristina.andersson at (Cristina Andersson) Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 14:38:31 +0000 Subject: [All.non-board.wacqt] Call for WACQT industrial PhD or postdoc projects 2024 Message-ID: <> Call for WACQT industrial PhD or postdoc projects 2024 Dear all, The Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology (WACQT) invites small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to submit applications for industrial PhD or industrial postdoc projects. In total, approximately three projects will be funded during the call with the goal of strengthening collaborations between WACQT and the industry, especially with small and medium-sized companies that develop enabling technologies of strategic relevance for the WACQT program. Last day to apply is 30 June at 17.00 (CET) For more information about the call and how to apply please visit our home page: Please do not hesitate in contacting me in case you have any questions related to the call. Best Regards, Cristina Cristina Andersson, Ph.D. Industrial Relations, Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT) Chalmers University of Technology Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience - MC2 Kemivägen 9, 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Direct phone: +46 (0) 46 31 772 30 97 Mobile: +46 (0) 761-25 70 81 E-mail: cristina.andersson at web: [signature_582511768] -------------- next part -------------- En HTML-bilaga skiljdes ut... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 4585 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: