[All.non-board.wacqt] WACQT seminar series: IP-based utilisation

Linda Brånell linda.branell at chalmers.se
Thu Jan 21 08:19:05 CET 2021

Dear everyone,

Just a reminder of today’s seminar.

Med vänlig hälsning | Best regards

Linda Brånell
Administratör |Administrator
Inst. mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap | Dept of Microtechnology and Nanoscience

From: Linda Brånell
Sent: den 19 januari 2021 14:38
To: WACQT alla utom styrelser (all.non-board.wacqt at lists.chalmers.se) <all.non-board.wacqt at lists.chalmers.se>
Subject: WACQT seminar series: IP-based utilisation

Dear WACQT member,

You are welcome to join the fourth seminar in the series on IP-based utilisation on Thursday:

Wallenberg Launch Pad, WALP (WALP), Sandor Albrecht (KAW)
When: 21 January, 13.00 – 14.00

In this seminar, focus will be on WALP,  and the support available for WACQT and WASP researchers.  Through WALP, researchers are offered support in exploring and validating what impact their idea could make in industry or in society. WALP consists of two phases. The first phase aims to clarify, describe, define and verify the idea and is centered around personalized innovation coaching. Formulating a strong project pitch is the goal here. After a successful pitch presentation to the WALP Team, phase 2 is initiated and researchers can be eligible for research validation grant from the KAW foundation. If granted, the journey of a Research Validation Project is initiated.

Apart from presenting the WALP program, Sandor Albrecht (KAW foundation), has also invited two researchers within WACQT who have both received WALP funding to talk about their experiences being part of the program.
Takeaways: How to make use of WALP support.
When: 21 January 2021, 13.00-14.00
Join on Zoom: https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/66400223749, Password: 157882

Med vänlig hälsning | Best regards

Linda Brånell
Administratör |Administrator
Inst. mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap | Dept of Microtechnology and Nanoscience
+46(0)31 772 63 49
linda.branell at chalmers.se<mailto:linda.branell at chalmers.se>

Chalmers tekniska högskola | Chalmers University of Technology
(Besöksadress | Visiting address: Kemivägen 9)
SE-412 96  GÖTEBORG, Sweden

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