[All.non-board.wacqt] Friday 20th of November 14-15 Industrial Webinar by Rouven Floeter and Luca Haab, Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Peter Samuelsson peter.samuelsson at teorfys.lu.se
Wed Nov 18 13:15:29 CET 2020

Dear All,

This Friday the 20th of November, you are all warmly welcome to the fifth Industrial Webinar organized by the WACQT Graduate School.

The invited Speakers are Rouven Floeter and Luca Haab, Hitachi ABB Power Grids, who will talk about:
Quantum-safe Communications for the Future of Power Grids

Digitalization is essential for electrical systems, connecting assets to networks and providing visibility and control through high-speed communications. With the growth of smart grids and renewable energy, information technology underpins all parts of power delivery from generation to distribution. However, while increased automation and integrated
systems enhance data analysis and real-time control, they can leave the grid open to cyberattacks. Long-term and Quantum-safe encrypted high-speed communication
for real-time applications without compromising timing and availability is therefore an essential requirement. The webinar will address various use cases
of mission critical markets for Quantum-safe encryption and in particular how quantum technologies can be leveraged now to secure the power grid for the long
term future.
On Friday at 14:00, you can access the webinar by clicking the meeting link below:


We hope to see very many of you on Friday!

Katia, Göran & Peter

PS The next Webinar in this series will be given by Volvo group on Friday the 4th of December at 14:00.
The information on the full webinar series is available at:https://www.chalmers.se/en/centres/wacqt/graduate%20school/iws/Pages/default.aspx

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