[Agda] TYPES 2025: Second Call for Contributions
Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg
fredrik.nordvall-forsberg at strath.ac.uk
Mon Feb 10 12:12:57 CET 2025
[The TYPES 2025 submission deadline is less than a month away.]
Second Call for Contributions
TYPES 2025
31st International Conference on
Types for Proofs and Programs
Glasgow, Scotland, 9 -- 13 June 2025
The TYPES meetings are a forum to present new and ongoing work in all
aspects of type theory and its applications, especially in formalised
and computer assisted reasoning and computer programming.
The TYPES areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* foundations of type theory and constructive mathematics;
* applications of type theory;
* dependently typed programming;
* industrial uses of type theory technology;
* meta-theoretic studies of type systems;
* proof assistants and proof technology;
* automation in computer-assisted reasoning;
* links between type theory and functional programming;
* formalizing mathematics using type theory.
We encourage talks proposing new ways of applying type theory. In the
spirit of workshops, talks may be based on newly published papers,
work submitted for publication, but also work in progress. Participation
in the meeting is primarily in person, as face-to-face interactions
are highly valuable. If you need to discuss remote participation,
please contact the PC chair.
Researchers from COST Inclusiveness Target Countries are reminded that
the European Research Network on Formal Proofs COST action has some
funding available for conference attendance, see
https://europroofnet.github.io/grants/ .
TYPES solicits contributed talks to stimulate discussions. Selection
of those will be based on extended abstracts/short papers of 2 pp (not
counting the bibliography) formatted with easychair.cls.
The submission site is:
* Submission of 2-page abstract 3 March 2025 AoE
* Author notification 11 April 2025 AoE
* Camera-ready version of abstract 9 May 2025 AoE
* Conference 9 -- 13 June 2025
Camera-ready versions of the accepted contributions will be published
in an informal book of abstracts for distribution during the conference.
Ingo Blechschmidt (University of Augsburg)
Sonia Marin (University of Birmingham)
Chris Martens (Northeastern University)
Christian Sattler (Chalmers University of Technology and University of
A post-proceedings volume will be published in the Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series. Submission to that volume
will be open to everyone.
Tentative submission deadline for the post-proceedings: October 2025.
Note that even if you are lucky enough to not require a visa to enter
the UK,
by the time TYPES happens, you might still need to apply for electronic
travel authorisation.
If you do need a visa, we are happy to write you a letter of invitation,
confirming that you have registered for the conference.
Formal Vindications
Danel Ahman (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Guillaume Allais (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
Malin Altenmüller (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Sandra Alves (University of Porto, Portugal)
Casper Bach (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Ana Bove (Chalmers and University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Liang-Ting Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Vikraman Choudhury (University of Bologna, Italy)
Gilda Ferreira (Universidade Aberta, Portugal)
Daniel Gratzer (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Tom de Jong (University of Nottingham, England)
Dominik Kirst (Inria Paris, France)
Neel Krishnaswami (University of Cambridge, England)
András Kovács (University of Gothenburg and Chalmers, Sweden)
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Kenji Maillard (Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique, France)
Max New (University of Michigan, United States of America)
Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg (University of Strathclyde, Scotland) (chair)
Elaine Pimentel (University College London, England)
Andrew Swan (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Tarmo Uustalu (Reykjavík University, Iceland)
Niels van der Weide (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Théo Winterhalter (Inria Saclay, France)
Maaike Zwart (IT University Copenhagen, Denmark)
Eduardo Hermo Reyes (Formal Vindications, Spain)
Tom de Jong (University of Nottingham, England)
Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
Paige Randall North (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) (chair)
Benno van den Berg (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (secretary)
The TYPES meetings from 1990 to 2008 were annual workshops of a sequence
of five EU funded networking projects. From 2009 onwards, TYPES has been
run as an independent conference series. Previous TYPES meetings were
held in Antibes (1990), Edinburgh (1991), Båstad (1992), Nijmegen
(1993), Båstad (1994), Torino (1995), Aussois (1996), Kloster Irsee
(1998), Lökeberg (1999), Durham (2000), Berg en Dal near Nijmegen
(2002), Torino (2003), Jouy-en-Josas near Paris (2004), Nottingham
(2006), Cividale del Friuli (2007), Torino (2008), Aussois (2009),
Warsaw (2010), Bergen (2011), Toulouse (2013), Paris (2014), Tallinn
(2015), Novi Sad (2016), Budapest (2017), Braga (2018), Oslo (2019),
Virtual (2021), Nantes (2022), València (2023), Copenhagen (2024).
Email: CIS_types2025 at groups.strath.ac.uk
Guillaume Allais (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
Stuart Gale (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
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