[Agda] [ANNOUNCE] Agda Standard Library v2.1 - release candidate 2

mechvel at scico.botik.ru mechvel at scico.botik.ru
Fri Jul 12 13:07:09 CEST 2024

Let me add a certain general note.
I have an impression that the compiled code of applications written in 
currently runs 3/2 times slower than it was 5-7 yeas ago.
My tests contain the records like

Agda-2.6.2, MAlonzo, ghc-8.8.3, Ubuntu-Libux 18.04, 3 GHz machine,  (~ 
-M7G  for memory.
Agda-2.6.3, ghc-9.2.1, 9.2.7.               (~ 2022).
Agda-, ghc-9.0.2, lib-2.1.rc1,rc2    (July 2024).

A certain computation with univariate polynomials over the coefficients 
in (Integer modulo p)
programmed in two methods.

The test for different  n = deg f  for  f  having n+1 (nonzero 
(that is put m = 1).
Comparing the time for the two methods for n = 1000, 2000, ...

   n   | p-p,     | pₖ-pₖ,    | deg p | l(mons) | coefSum
       | deg p,   | deg pₖ,   |       |         |
       | length p | length pₖ |       |         |
  1000 |    2.53  |     0.82  |  2000 |   1999  | <97043>
            3.75  |     1.17                               - 2.6.3
  4000 |   41.5   |     7.5   |  8000 |   7999  | <99057>
           53.1   |     9.4                                - + 
	  66.9 ? |    11.3                                - 2.6.4 + ghc-9.2.7
                       11.0                                - + 
                       11.9                        -- lib-2.1-rc2

Here the time monotonously increases during several years from  7.5 sec 
to 11.9.
I suspect that the main impact is brought by upgrading from ghc-8.8.3 to 
higher GHC versions
(I wonder about Linux versions).
I do not think that this 3/2 is so important.
This is just an observation.

I expect that most people think that Agda is only for proofs.
But I naively expect of Agda that it also supports fast programs to 
perform computer algebra
methods. The idea is that the source code in Agda is more cultured 
it is possible a mathematically adequate style.

On 2024-07-11 22:59, mechvel at scico.botik.ru wrote:
> On 2024-07-11 06:30, Matthew Daggitt wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> The Agda Team is pleased to announce the second release candidate for
>> version 2.1 of the Agda standard library. The release candidate has
>> been tested using Agda and can be downloaded here [1]. We
>> would be grateful for reports of any issues you may encounter with the
>> new version of the library on the Github issues page [2].
> I have tested it on my large application on agda, MAlonzo;
> ghc-9.02, Debian Linux 10.
> It does not show any deviation from old tests.

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