[Agda] Agda Termination Checker Implements Size-Change Termination?

Reuben Rowe reuben.rowe at rhul.ac.uk
Mon Apr 8 13:30:13 CEST 2024

Dear Agda List,

Apologies if the answer to my question is by now folklore, but I could
not find it through searching online, or by asking some colleagues who
are Agda users.

Q: Does the Agda termination checker in fact implement the check for
size-change termination? [1]

When I look at the Agda documentation for information about the
termination checker, it points me towards Andreas' original technical
report [2]. I have also looked at the subsequent formally published
description, written with Thorsten [3].

Certainly, one can identify the call matrices of [2,3] with the
size-change graphs of [1]. However, there is a difference between the
lexicographic and termination orders of Defs 3.14 and 3.15 of [3], and
the size-change termination property (Thm 4) of [1].

In particular, consider the following Agda function, 2-hydra-total, that
encodes the standard cyclic proof of the totality of Berardi and
Tatsuta's 2-hydra predicate [4].

open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)

-- The 2-Hydra predicate
data 2-hydra : ℕ → ℕ → Set where
   base₁ : 2-hydra 0 0
   base₂ : 2-hydra 1 0
   base₃ : ∀{n} → 2-hydra n 1
   step₁ : ∀{n m} → 2-hydra n m → 2-hydra (suc n) (suc (suc m))
   step₂ : ∀{n} → 2-hydra (suc n) n → 2-hydra 0 (suc (suc n))
   step₃ : ∀{n} → 2-hydra (suc n) n → 2-hydra (suc (suc n)) 0

-- Totality of 2-hydra
2-hydra-total : ∀(n m : ℕ) → 2-hydra n m
2-hydra-total zero zero             = base₁
2-hydra-total (suc zero) zero       = base₂
2-hydra-total (suc (suc n)) zero    = step₃ (2-hydra-total (suc n) n)
2-hydra-total n (suc zero)          = base₃
2-hydra-total zero (suc (suc m))    = step₂ (2-hydra-total (suc m) m)
2-hydra-total (suc n) (suc (suc m)) = step₁ (2-hydra-total n m)

This does *not* have a termination ordering according to Def. 3.15 of
[3]. The "recursion behaviour" of 2-hydra-total is the set B = {(<,<),
(<,?), (?,<)}, and so there is no way to pick a permutation π of the
input parameters such that for all r ∈ B, r_π(0) ≠ ? (as required by
Def. 3.14 of [3]).

However, 2-hydra-total *does* satisfy the size-change termination
condition (infinite descent in cyclic proofs is equivalent to the
size-change termination property). Moreover, Agda happily reports that
2-hydra-total terminates.

I did find a blog post (from 2018) discussing the termination checker
[5], which demonstrates debug output from Agda talking about "Idempotent
call matrices". This also suggests to me that the termination checker
may be implementing size-change termination since, as formulated in [1],
this requires checking properties of idempotent size-change graphs.

(I wanted to reproduce this debug output in the version of Agda I am
running - 2.6.3 - but the commands used in the blog post do not seem to
produce this output anymore. Is there still a way to get Agda to output
the call matrices produced by the termination checker?).

Is there a more up-to-date published account of what Agda currently
implements in the termination checker? I'd be very interested to know
about this.


Reuben  Rowe

[1] Chin Soon Lee, Neil D. Jones, and Amir M. Ben-Amram: The Size-change
Principle for Program Termination. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM
SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages (POPL
'01). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 81–92.
(2001). https://doi.org/10.1145/360204.360210
[2] Andreas Abel: foetus - Termination Checker for Simple Functional
Programs. https://www.cse.chalmers.se/~abela/foetus.pdf
[3] Andreas Abel,Thorsten Altenkirch: A Predicative Analysis of
Structural Recursion. Journal of Functional Programming.
2002;12(1):1–41. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956796801004191
[4] Stefano Berardi, Makoto Tatsuta: Classical System of Martin-Lof's
Inductive Definitions is not Equivalent to Cyclic Proofs. Log. Methods
Comput. Sci. 15(3) (2019). https://doi.org/10.23638/LMCS-15(3:10)2019
[5] Oleg Grenrus: Notes on Agda's Termination Checker.

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