[Agda] reply to Agda

mechvel at scico.botik.ru mechvel at scico.botik.ru
Thu Aug 24 23:04:56 CEST 2023

I am trying Agda version

Built with flags (cabal -f)
  - optimise-heavily: extra optimizations

with ghc 9.2.7 under Ubuntu Linux 18.04.

1) When installing, it warns
src/Development/GitRev.hs:109:6: warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns]
     Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
src/Data/Hashable/Generic/Instances.hs:5:14: warning: 
     ‘Data.Hashable.Generic.Instances’ is marked as Trustworthy but has 
been inferred as safe!

and many other warnings issued.

2) Type checking my library in Agda.

The command is
> agda $agdaLibOpt --auto-inline --guardedness List/I.agda,

The message is

"Set α is not less or equal than Set
when checking that the type A of an argument to the constructor
hasHead fits in the sort Set of the datatype.
Note: this argument is forced by the indices of hasHead, so this
definition would be allowed under --large-indices.
This is about

module _ {A : Set α}
   data HasHead : Pred (List A) 0ℓ
        hasHead : (x : A) {xs : List A} → HasHead (x ∷ xs)       -- HERE

   ¬HasHead : Pred (List A) 0ℓ
   ¬HasHead = ¬_ ∘ HasHead

Was Agda 2.6.3 wrong when allowed  0ℓ  here?
I set the minimal level which is allowed by the type checker.
On the other hand, as A : Set α, probably Pred (List A)  has to require  
α  for the level
-- ?


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