[Agda] Is there currently a Problem with the standard lib from git?

stvienna wiener stvienna at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 20:31:45 CEST 2021

Dear all,

I'm using the agda standard lib from git:
commit 853e309e55bdc80407564e44396751a84e8c55f0

(λ i →
   m /
   Agda.Primitive.Cubical.primComp (λ i₁ → ℕ)
   (λ i₁ .o →
       (Agda.Primitive.Cubical.primINeg i) φ)
      i (λ .o₁ → suc m₁) (λ .o₁ → x i₁) _)
   (suc m₁)
   ≤ n / x₁ i)
φ (/-mono-≤ x₂ (s≤s x₃)) is not usable at the required modality
when checking the definition of /-mono-≤

$ agda --version
Agda version 2.6.3-78ea6d2

Is this a known error, or is there a problem on my agda configuration?

Thanks & regards

(from Vienna)
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