[Agda] Weird instance propagation between parameterised modules

Orestis Melkonian melkon.or at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 11:56:42 CET 2020

Hi y'all,

I came across a rather peculiar issue when simultaneously using instance 
arguments, parameterised modules and generalized variables. I tried to 
find a minimal-enough example to demonstrate this, tested on Agda-2.6.1.

Let's assume we have an Eq typeclass in a separate file:
module Eq where

open import Agda.Builtin.Bool

record Eq (A : Set) : Set where
     _==_ : A → A → Bool
open Eq {{...}} public

Then a module parameterised over some type A having (decidable) equality:

open import Eq

module M1 (A : Set) {{_ : Eq A}} where

   B : Set
   n : B
   P : B → Set

   p₁ : P n

All fine so far, but what if I want to split that file, e.g. to work on 
p₁ there:
open import Eq

module M2 (A : Set) {{_ : Eq A}} where

open import M1 A

postulate p₂ : P n
But now there is an error:
No instance of type Eq A was found in scope.
when checking that n is a valid argument to a function of type
⦃ _ = x : Eq A ⦄ → M1.B A → Set

Amusingly, this is solved if we pass `it` as the instance argument!
open import Eq
module M2 (A : Set) {{_ : Eq A}} where

open import M1 A {{it}}

postulate p₂ : P n

I am wondering if I am missing something, or this is actually a bug..
Moreover, shouldn't all occurrences of `{{it}}` be meaningless?


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