[Agda] Fwd: Fwd: Question about transport and cubical

Anders Mortberg andersmortberg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 08:08:56 CEST 2020

Yes, John's understanding of that very opaque error message is
correct. When checking c Agda will have to verify that whenever i1=i1
(that is "everywhere") then (λ i → e i) is a constant function. This
is clearly not the case as:

(λ i → e i) /= (λ i → Bool)

This is what the error message is trying to say, but e has been
unfolded too far and there is some mysterious metavariable _28.

Your understanding of what happens when r is i0 is also correct, in
that case the condition r=i1 is just i0=i1 which is absurd and there
is nothing to check as anything follows from an absurd assumption.
This is why a typechecks.

In general r is some element of dM(X), i.e. an element of the free De
Morgan algebra on some subset X of the dimension variables currently
in context. One way to check if some judgment holds when r=i1 is to
first convert r to disjunctive normal form and propagate the _=i1 all
the way down to the atoms. This gives us a big disjunction of
conjuncts where each conjunct corresponds to a list of substitutions.
For example if r is (i /\ j) \/ ~ k then r=i1 will reduce to

((i = i1) /\ (j = i1)) \/ (k = i0)

To check that some judgment J holds in this context restriction
amounts to checking that it holds either when (i = i1) and (j = i1) or
when (k = i0). If I write G for the ambient context we hence need to

G, (i = i1) /\ (j = i1) |- J
G, (k = i0) |- J

which boils down to checking

G |- J(i1/i)(i1/j)
G |- J(i0/k)

I don't think Cubical Agda actually performs these substitutions as
it's too expensive to always substitute, but this intuitive algorithm
can maybe be helpful to understand how one can typecheck cubical


On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 1:05 AM John Leo <leo at halfaya.org> wrote:
> I do have one further point I'd like clarified. Is the check for the r=i1 condition for transp done only when r is not known to be i0 or is it always done? For example is the check run at all when transport p (defined as "transp (λ i → p i) i0") is called? I assume not. For example in the following code
> notnot : (b : Bool) → not (not b) ≡ b
> notnot true  = refl
> notnot false = refl
> e : Bool ≡ Bool
> e = isoToPath (iso not not notnot notnot)
> a = transp (λ i → e i) i0 true
> b = transp (λ _ → Bool) i1 true
> c = transp (λ i → e i) i1 true
> I get that "a" and "b" typecheck ("a" evaluates to false and "b" to true as expected) but "c" fails to typecheck with the following error, which I assume is due to "e" not being definitionally constant. But perhaps I'm still confused.
> primGlue Bool
> (λ .x →
>    (λ { (i = i0) → Bool , isoToEquiv (iso not not notnot notnot)
>       ; (i = i1) → Bool , idEquiv Bool
>       })
>    _ .fst)
> (λ .x →
>    (λ { (i = i0) → Bool , isoToEquiv (iso not not notnot notnot)
>       ; (i = i1) → Bool , idEquiv Bool
>       })
>    _ .snd)
> != Bool of type Type
> when checking that the expression transp (λ i → e i) i1 true has
> type _28
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