[Agda] [ANNOUNCE] Agda Standard Library 1.4 release candidate 1

mechvel at scico.botik.ru mechvel at scico.botik.ru
Mon Aug 31 21:27:53 CEST 2020

On 2020-08-31 16:32, Matthew Daggitt wrote:
> Dear all,
> The Agda Team is pleased to announce the first release candidate of
> version 1.4 of the standard library.
> [..]

It is written there in CHANGELOG.md
  The module `Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality` has been growing in 
size and
  now depends on a lot of other parts of the library, even though its 
  functionality does not. To fix this some of its parts have been 
factored out.
   `Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core` already existed. Added 
These new modules are re-exported by 
and so these changes should be invisble to current users, but can be 
to authors of large libraries.

Can you, please, explain: what is the difference between writing
module Foo where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (foo)
module Foo Where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (foo)
(assuming that foo is in ...Core)
Is the latter better for the authors of large libraries? Why?
Do you mean that fewer modules of standard library will be type-checked?
(because if PropositionalEquality is type-checked, then Agda needs to 
at list once all the modules it imports).
Does this make a difference to  Foo.agdai ?  its size?



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