[Agda] multiple instance resolution and negation
Marcus Christian Lehmann
lehmann at tet.tu-berlin.de
Fri Aug 28 17:32:38 CEST 2020
Dear Agda community,
Is there a possibility to make instances like
i1 : {{ a : A }} → ⊥
i2 : {{ b : B }} → ⊥
i3 : {{ c : C }} → ⊥
unambiguous in an instance resolution?
I am investigating on the usefulness of instance arguments for partial
functions such as the positive square root function.
In this particular example, the square root function takes as an
additional argument a proof that the argument is nonnegative:
sqrt : (x : X) → {{p : (0ˣ ≤ x)}} → X
When _≤_ is defined in terms of _<_ and ⊥ as
_≤_ : X → X → Set ℓ'
a ≤ b = (b < a) → ⊥
then Agda complains that
"Instance arguments with explicit arguments are never considered by"
"instance search, so having an instance argument ⦃ p : 0ˣ ≤ x ⦄ has"
"no effect."
"when checking that the expression ⦃ p : 0ˣ ≤ x ⦄ → X is a type"
I came up with a different definition
_≤ᵢ_ : X → X → Set ℓ'
a ≤ᵢ b = {{p : b < a}} → ⊥
that works on
sqrt : (x : X) → {{p : (0ˣ ≤ᵢ x)}} → X
when used like so:
inst-¬ : ∀{ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} → (A → ⊥) → {{a : A}} → ⊥
inst-¬ f {{a}} = f a
test1 : (x : X) → (0ˣ ≤ x) → X
test1 x 0≤x = let instance _ = inst-¬ 0≤x
in sqrt x -- works!
but when multiple instances are in scope
test2 : (x y z : X) → (0ˣ ≤ x) → (0ˣ ≤ y) → (0ˣ ≤ z) → X
test2 x y z 0≤x 0≤y 0≤z =
let instance 0≤xᵢ : 0ˣ ≤ᵢ x
0≤xᵢ = inst-¬ 0≤x
0≤yᵢ : 0ˣ ≤ᵢ y
0≤yᵢ = inst-¬ 0≤y
0≤zᵢ : 0ˣ ≤ᵢ z
0≤zᵢ = inst-¬ 0≤z
-- Goal: X
-- Have: ⦃ p : 0ˣ ≤ᵢ x ⦄ → X
in sqrt y -- error!
then Agda complains:
_p_51 : 0ˣ ≤ᵢ y
errorFailed to solve the following constraints:
Resolve instance argument
: {ℓ = ℓ₁ : Agda.Primitive.Level} {ℓ' = ℓ'' : Agda.Primitive.Level}
(X₁ : Set ℓ₁) (0ˣ₁ : X₁) (_<₁_ : X₁ → X₁ → Set ℓ'') (x₁ y₁ z₁
: X₁)
(0≤x₁ : 0ˣ₁ ≤ x₁) (0≤y₁ : 0ˣ₁ ≤ y₁) (0≤z₁ : 0ˣ₁ ≤ z₁) →
0ˣ₁ ≤ᵢ y₁
λ ⦃ a ⦄ → z a : ⦃ p : 0ˣ _<_ X ⦄ → ⊥
λ ⦃ a ⦄ → 0≤x a : ⦃ p : 0ˣ x X ⦄ → ⊥
λ ⦃ a ⦄ → 0≤y a : ⦃ p : 0ˣ y X ⦄ → ⊥
apart from the quirky candidate display (which does not make sense to me);
shouldn't it be possible for Agda to distinguish these three candidates
and pick the right one?
kind regards,
PS: This issue arises. I guess, because Agda can look into the
definition of _≤_ since everything works out, when hiding the definition
as in
_≤'_ : X → X → Set ℓ'
abstracta ≤' b = (b < a) → ⊥
test3 : (x y z : X) → (0ˣ ≤' x) → (0ˣ ≤' y) → (0ˣ ≤' z) → X
test3 x y z 0≤x 0≤y 0≤z =
let instance _ = 0≤x ; _ = 0≤y ; _ = 0≤z
in sqrt' y -- works!
I would also be happy with a different approach.
PPS: the closest item on this mailing list was an email of Apostolis
Xekoukoulotakis from 03.11.17, 11:52 but it does not address this issue
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