[Agda] "Cannot resolve" vs "Multiple definition"

mechvel at scico.botik.ru mechvel at scico.botik.ru
Sat Jun 20 13:37:02 CEST 2020

Dear Agda developers,

When the same item  foo  is brought to the scope from different places,
Agda-2.6.1 reports something like
"Multiple definition of  foo  ...".

But sometimes it reports
"Cannot resolve overloaded projection  foo  because principal
argument is not of record type ...
The source of the error looks the same, but the reports are very 
The former looks more helpful.


record Semiring :  Set _ where
   open Monoid *-monoid public using () renaming (assoc to *-assoc; ...)

module OfRing (R : Ring)
   open Ring R using (*-assoc; ...)
   -x*y x y = begin⟨ setoid ⟩
                   (- x) * y        ≈⟨ *-congʳ (sym (-1* x)) ⟩
                   (-1# * x) * y    ≈⟨ *-assoc -1# x y ⟩
                   -1# * (x * y)    ≈⟨ -1* _ ⟩
                   - (x * y)
"Cannot resolve overloaded projection *-assoc because principal
argument is not of record type
when checking that the expression *-assoc -1# x y has type
-1# * x * y ≈ -1# * (x * y)

Needs this to be fixed?


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