[Agda] When I try to reduce, I get a meta. (Reflection).

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis apostolis.xekoukoulotakis at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 23:08:31 CET 2020

Can you find the error in this code :


module test where

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
open import Reflection
open import Prelude.Nat
open import Prelude.Bool
open import Prelude.Unit
open import Prelude.List

pat : Term
pat = pat-lam [ clause [ arg (arg-info visible relevant) (var "ii") ] (def
(quote Bool) []) ] [ arg (arg-info visible relevant) (var 0 []) ]

  mm : Term → TC ⊤
  mm hole
    = do
         inContext (arg (arg-info visible relevant) (def (quote Nat) []) ∷
               t ← reduce pat
               typeError (termErr t ∷ termErr pat ∷ [])

test : ⊤
test = mm

Why do I get a meta instead of actually reducing :
_22 _ (λ { ii → Bool }) _
when checking that the expression unquote mm has type ⊤
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