[Agda] Searching for a state machine library

Marko Dimjašević marko at dimjasevic.net
Wed Oct 23 14:46:44 CEST 2019

Dear Agda community,

Is anyone aware of an Agda library for finite state machines that has
capabilities like Control.ST in Idris? The Idris library is described


At the link, the library is described like this:

"The Control.ST library provides facilities for creating, reading,
writing and destroying state in Idris functions, and tracking changes
of state in a function’s type. It is based around the concept of
resources, which are, essentially, mutable variables, and a dependent
type, STrans which tracks how those resources change when a function

The main idea is the STrans type constructor with this signature:

STrans : (m : Type -> Type) ->
         (resultType : Type) ->
         (in_res : Resources) ->
         (out_res : resultType -> Resources) ->

(This is written in Idris, but I am sure you can easily see how it
would look like in Agda.)

If you know of such a library in Agda, I would appreciate a pointer to

Marko Dimjašević <marko at dimjasevic.net>
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