[Agda] How to convert literate agda markdown to pdf with syntax-highligting

Jesper Cockx Jesper at sikanda.be
Sun Aug 11 11:35:22 CEST 2019

Hi Guillermo,

There does not seem to be an official way to do this at the moment, but the
following seems to work (at least on a small test file):

pandoc --standalone test.lagda.md -o test2.lagda.tex
agda --latex test2.lagda.tex
pdflatex latex/test2.tex

Note that you cannot choose the file name `test.lagda.tex` since Agda
detects a conflict between two modules with the same name. Perhaps Agda
could be extended to support this use case in a more native way, feel free
to create a feature request on the bug tracker at

-- Jesper

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 9:53 PM Guillermo Calderon <calderon at fing.edu.uy>

> Dear all:
> If I have a file  foo.lagda.md, I can use pandoc to generate a pdf:
> ```
> $ pandoc --standalone foo.lagda.md -o foo.langda.pdf
> ```
> This works but the agda code is poorly highlighted by pandoc/latex.
> Is it posible to apply the latex backend of Agda to highlight the code
> in the document?
> I so, what would be the approppriate sequence of pandoc/agda  commands
> to obtain this goal?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Guillermo
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