[Agda] GCD in future standard library
mechvel at scico.botik.ru
mechvel at scico.botik.ru
Tue Aug 6 15:42:41 CEST 2019
Dear standard library developers,
this is on developing the algebra part of the standard library.
In the _master_ library branch, we come now to treating GCD for the new
Bin representation.
And this touches the question of possible generic GCD notion.
The two approaches are possible, and I need to agree on this point.
First, consider the GCD notion itself, without relating it to the
computation method.
In the current _master_ library there are the three very similar numeric
ℕ, Bin, ℤ.
ℕ is isomorphic to Bin, and most methods for ℤ are reduced to those for
ℕ in a simple way, without loss of efficiency.
I think, also ℤb needs to join -- binary represented integers.
For most algorithms, we cannot use the toℕ/fromℕ isomorphism to compute
things on Bin (for example, divMod, gcd).
Because this isomorphism is expensive to compute relatively to the
method itself (even by using certain built-in primitives).
The approach of lib-1.1 is as follows.
* There are declared the two _notions_ of GCD: for ℕ and for ℤ,
and there needs to appear the third GCD notion -- for Bin.
* There is no provision for the GCD notion for other domains, for
example, for polynomials over a domain with gcd.
This design does not look natural.
We need now to choice between the two approaches.
I. To continue the lib-1.1 design:
to declare one more GCD notion -- Bin.GCD, and to compute Bin.gcd by
using Bin.divMod.
II. A generic approach, which I suggest.
1) To add to Algebra.agda the declaration of a cancellative semiring:
record CancellativeSemiring α ℓ : Set _
field CommutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring α ℓ
field _≟_ : Decidable _≈_
lnzCancel : LeftNZCancellative
LeftNZCancellative means the Cancellative property already defined in
the _master_ library, only it adds the
condition x ≉ 0# for the element being cancelled.
2) The GCD notion is defined in the module parameterized by R :
CancellativeSemiring _ _:
record GCD (a b : Carrier) : Set _ -- a result of gcd
constructor gcd′
field proper : Carrier -- proper gcd value
divides₁ : proper ∣ a
divides₂ : proper ∣ b
greatest : ∀ {d} → (d ∣ a) → (d ∣ b) → (d ∣ proper)
It is similar to the definitions existing in lib-1.1, only it is
Also in this module are declared the general notions of
IsPrime, Coprime.
All this is expressed very simply.
3) The domains ℕ, ℤ, Bin are already actually provided in the _master_
lib with the instances of CancellativeSemiring,
because the cancellation law by nonzero is already implemented there
for these domains.
Hence the above GCD declaration becomes type-checked and ready to work,
and it will replace the three special GCD declarations in the _master_
lib. Also it is ready to work in many other domains.
4) About computation of GCD.
Assume that we have chosen the above generic notion of GCD.
For ℕ, ℤ, Bin, ℤb there is known a simple method which is also
reasonably efficient: an Euclidean algorithm.
This method is also applicable to all Euclidean domains.
For the multivariate polynomial domain R[x1..xn] for a GCD-domain R, the
Euclidean method is not correct. But
* the above generic notion of GCD is valid there,
* CA libraries apply several more complex methods that have a reasonable
Now, consider GCD computing only for ℕ, ℤ, Bin, and other Euclidean
The standard library _needs_ to implement at least the first tree.
Integer.gcd can be trivially reduced to computing Nat.GCD.gcd, probably
this is done so in lib-1.1 (is it?).
Bin.GCD.gcd has to be implemented separately, because the conversion ℕ
<--> Bin is expensive.
For ℕ and Bin, we need to define the notion(s) of DivMod (division with
remainder), to implement the algorithm(s) of divMod, and implement GCD
by applying divMod in recursion.
We need to choose between the two approaches.
4.1. Declare the DivMod notion separately for ℕ and Bin.
Also the library needs DivMod for ℤ, independently on computing
So, we shall have the three declared notions of DivMod, the two
algorithms for the divMod implementation, and the two implementations of
4.2. In the environment of CancellativeSemiring described above to
introduce a general notion
record EuclideanSemiring _ where
C = Carrier
field norm : Norm
open Norm norm
divMod : C → (y : C) → y ≉ 0# → C × C
divModEq< : (a b : C) → (nzb : b ≉ 0#) →
let (q , r) = divMod a b nzb
a ≈ (q * b) + r ×
((nzr : r ≉ 0#) → ∣ r ,, nzr ∣ < ∣ b ,,
nzb ∣)
A _norm_
∣_,,_∣ : (x : C) → x ≉ 0# → ℕ
is a certain operation on nonzero elements (with a couple of certain
declared laws). Examples:
For ℕ it can be set identic,
for ℤ it can be set absolute value,
for the univariate polynomial domain it can be set the _degree_.
This is a generic notion of DivMod. It covers the instances of ℕ, ℤ,
Bin, ℤb, univariate polynomial domain over any field, Gaussian integers,
and some others.
It also makes it easy to provide a common gcd implementation for all
these domains.
In textbooks, they define _Euclidean domain_ for this purpose.
But unfortunately this requires to inherit a Ring. And this does not
cover the case of ℕ, because ℕ is not of Ring.
Therefore I suggest a slight generalization: the above
But there are needed the four additional axioms in EuclideanSemiring
which are not in textbooks. They are specific to Agda: congruence of
norm and of quotient, and irrelevance on the proof for x ≉ 0# for norm
and quotient.
Summing up all the above, I suggest the following steps in developing
the library.
1. To declare the generic divisibility notion _∣_ for Magma (this is
To implement the generic GCD notion for a CancellativeSemiring, as
To remove the existing special definitions for divisibility and GCD.
2. To have the three special definitions Nat.DivMod.DivMod,
Integer.DivMod.DivMod, Bin.DivMod.DivMod,
and the two different implementations for the corresponding divMod,
the two different implementations for the corresponding gcd.
3. After this is settled, to decide whether to change to the above
EuclideanSemiring and thus to arrange a common
implementation for GCD for ℕ, ℤ, Bin, ℤb, and other domains of
The first two points are verified, they are presented by a tested
workable code, which is also simple.
The generic branch in the third point can be verified later, if we
decide to try it (currently I doubt about keeping the code simple).
Please, consider the suggestion.
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