[Agda] [ANNOUNCE] Standard library 1.0

Matthew Daggitt matthewdaggitt at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 16:33:59 CEST 2019

Dear all,

The Agda Team is very pleased to announce the release of the standard
library 1.0. The library has been tested using Agda 2.6.0.

The library, CHANGELOG and README are available at


As this is the first official *stable* release of the standard
library, I and the team would
like to take this moment to thank everyone for their patience! We know that
we've made a fair few non-backwards compatible changes over the last couple
of years, but we're now confident that the design of v1.0 will allow
us to further extend
the library without further large changes being necessary.

Subsequent releases will strive to ensure backwards compatibility, and the main
focus of v1.1 will be to increase the quality and quantity of
documentation that
accompanies the library.

Enjoy the standard library 1.0.

Matthew, on behalf of the Agda Team
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