[Agda] A question on a highlighted expression in Emacs

Jason -Zhong Sheng- Hu fdhzs2010 at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 2 00:47:08 CET 2019


please consider follow program:

  foo : ℕ → Set
  foo 0 = {!!}
  foo a = {!!}

In Emacs, the third line, `foo a`, will be highlighted. I know that I can get away with this by expanding `a` to be `suc a`. However, in my real project, this expansion corresponds to 5 cases, and their proof body are exactly the same.

I understand that this does not introduce any unsoundness, but I want to understand what's the reason behind this highlight, and is there any programming idiom so that I can get away with this highlight without having expand the cases here?

Sincerely Yours,

Jason Hu
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