[Agda] agda-mode question: custom variable naming strategy for case split?

Noam Zeilberger noam.zeilberger at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 20:20:34 CET 2019

Hello all, I have a very superficial question: is there an easy way of
modifying the rules that agda-mode uses for choosing variable names?

Like, say I have a type A with some constructors

  binary : A → A → A
  ternary : A → A → A → A

and I want to define a function

  foo : A → A
  foo x = ?

then case splitting on x will yield clauses of the form

  foo (binary x x₁) = {!!}
  foo (ternary x x₁ x₂) = {!!}

but what if I actually want to name the variables x1, x2, and x3, say, or
x, y, and z?  Of course I could just go ahead and rename the auto-generated
variables + C-c C-l, but this gets frustrating after a while...  It would
be nice to be able to specify a simple set of naming rules to be used
throughout an interaction.

Sorry for asking such a superficial question!

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