[Agda] Multitheading Agda?

Jason -Zhong Sheng- Hu fdhzs2010 at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 10 21:43:20 CEST 2018

Hi all,

I find as stdlib grows bigger and bigger, the compilation time is monotonically growing with it as well. Today, I updated to 2.6.0 and was trying to recompile stdlib with latest master, and I realized it's just using one core. I have 8 cores so I guess for those not depending on each other, they can compile in parallel. I've searched github issues and the internet, it seems there isn't discussion on the speed of compilation. Am I missing some obvious configuration?

In general, what's the "recommended" configuration for agda + stdlib in general? I was trying to recompile stdlib from console and emacs at the same time, but it seems the agda process in emacs silently quits itself to a point without actually finish compiling, despite the prompt saying "Checked". Is it a sign of out of memory? I've never seen this before in  2.5.3.

Sincerely Yours,

Jason Hu
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