[Agda] How does one debug a programme that one has proved correct?

Ulf Norell ulf.norell at gmail.com
Fri May 4 22:16:39 CEST 2018

You can clone the Agda repo at https://github.com/agda/agda. I was using
the `stable-2.5`
branch, but I would expect `master` to work the same (the difference is
@saizan's cubical
type theory goodness which is only on master). It should (fingers crossed)
build and install
with `make install-bin` or even `cabal install`.

/ Ulf

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 10:03 PM, Philip Wadler <wadler at inf.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

> Thanks, Ulf! How do I get the most recent development version? It sounds
> like that might resolve my problem. Although understanding what went wrong
> would still be very helpful indeed, so I would be most appreciative if you
> could look into it.
> Thanks for pointing out that the definition was wrong. I've fixed the
> definition of plus in the repository, so you won't have to contend with the
> indignity of (plus two two) yielding two rather than four.
> Cheers, -- P
> .   \ Philip Wadler, Professor of Theoretical Computer Science,
> .   /\ School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
> .  /  \ and Senior Research Fellow, IOHK
> . http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/
> On 4 May 2018 at 16:30, Ulf Norell <ulf.norell at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Something is indeed strange. Some observations:
>> - _x_1862 is an unsolved metavariable. If I paste in the term in your
>> example there
>>   is indeed some yellow. When printing a term Agda hides all implicit
>> arguments without
>>   regard for whether they can actually be inferred (since this is
>> impractical to figure out).
>>   This means that you often cannot take a printed term and type check it
>> without ending
>>   up with some yellow.
>> - On recent development Agda I can normalise (C-c C-n) `normalise 15
>> ⊢four`
>>   in a handful of milliseconds. (It requires 15 fuel, and since you
>> forgot the Suc
>>   in the recursive case of ⊢plus, normalises to two instead of four).
>>   However, trying to prove that it reaches a normal form I get stuck:
>> IsNormal : ∀ {M A} {⊢M : ε ⊢ M ⦂ A} → Normalise ⊢M → Set
>> IsNormal (out-of-gas _ _) = ⊥
>> IsNormal (normal _ _ _) = ⊤
>> prf : IsNormal (normalise 15 ⊢four)
>> prf = tt -- does not come back
>>   On the other hand the following variant works fine:
>> prf' : IsNormal (normalise 15 ⊢four) ≡ ⊤
>> prf' = refl -- checks in no time
>> It's all very mysterious. I'll investigate deeper when I get a chance.
>> / Ulf
>> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 7:44 PM, Philip Wadler <wadler at inf.ed.ac.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> I have an Agda formalisation of reduction on raw terms (inspired by a
>>> formalisation of McBride acting on a deBruijn representation). The
>>> formalisation is here:
>>>   https://wenkokke.github.io/sf/TypedFresh
>>> Although more elaborate than I would like in parts, at least I succeed
>>> in proving progress and preservation for the system. Combining the two
>>> allows me to write a function that computes the reduction sequence for a
>>> term bounding by a given length. If the reduction sequence is longer than
>>> the specified length n, it returns the sequence of length n with the
>>> indicator "out of gas". I then tried to compute the reduction sequence for
>>> two plus two.
>>> Computing the first four reduction steps takes a couple of minutes
>>> rather than a couple of seconds. Attempting to normalise the term fully
>>> (which should take fourteen reduction steps) does not complete even if run
>>> overnight!
>>> {-
>>> _ : normalise 4 ⊢four ≡
>>>   out-of-gas
>>>   ((`Y
>>>     (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>      (`λ 1 ⇒ (`λ 2 ⇒ `if0 ` 1 then ` 2 else ` 0 · (`pred ` 1) · ` 2))))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ⟶⟨ ξ-·₁ (ξ-·₁ (β-Y Fun refl)) ⟩
>>>    (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>     (`λ 1 ⇒
>>>      `if0 ` 0 then ` 1 else
>>>      (`Y
>>>       (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>        (`λ 1 ⇒ (`λ 2 ⇒ `if0 ` 1 then ` 2 else ` 0 · (`pred ` 1) · ` 2))))
>>>      · (`pred ` 0)
>>>      · ` 1))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ⟶⟨ ξ-·₁ (β-⇒ (Suc (Suc Zero))) ⟩
>>>    (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>     `if0 `suc (`suc `zero) then ` 0 else
>>>     (`Y
>>>      (`λ 1 ⇒
>>>       (`λ 2 ⇒ (`λ 3 ⇒ `if0 ` 2 then ` 3 else ` 1 · (`pred ` 2) · ` 3))))
>>>     · (`pred (`suc (`suc `zero)))
>>>     · ` 0)
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ⟶⟨ β-⇒ (Suc (Suc Zero)) ⟩
>>>    `if0 `suc (`suc `zero) then `suc (`suc `zero) else
>>>    (`Y
>>>     (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>      (`λ 1 ⇒ (`λ 2 ⇒ `if0 ` 1 then ` 2 else ` 0 · (`pred ` 1) · ` 2))))
>>>    · (`pred (`suc (`suc `zero)))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ⟶⟨ β-if0-suc (Suc Zero) ⟩
>>>    (`Y
>>>     (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>      (`λ 1 ⇒ (`λ 2 ⇒ `if0 ` 1 then ` 2 else ` 0 · (`pred ` 1) · ` 2))))
>>>    · (`pred (`suc (`suc `zero)))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ∎)
>>> _ = refl
>>> -}
>>> To try to uncover the problem, I attempted a single step at a time. The
>>> first reduction step is fine.
>>> {-
>>> _ : normalise 1 ⊢four ≡
>>>   out-of-gas
>>>   ((`Y
>>>     (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>      (`λ 1 ⇒ (`λ 2 ⇒ `if0 ` 1 then ` 2 else ` 0 · (`pred ` 1) · ` 2))))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ⟶⟨ ξ-·₁ (ξ-·₁ (β-Y Fun refl)) ⟩
>>>    (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>     (`λ 1 ⇒
>>>      `if0 ` 0 then ` 1 else
>>>      (`Y
>>>       (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>        (`λ 1 ⇒ (`λ 2 ⇒ `if0 ` 1 then ` 2 else ` 0 · (`pred ` 1) · ` 2))))
>>>      · (`pred ` 0)
>>>      · ` 1))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ∎)
>>>   (⊢λ
>>>    (⊢λ
>>>     (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z)
>>>      (⊢Y
>>>       (⊢λ
>>>        (⊢λ
>>>         (⊢λ
>>>          (⊢if0 (Ax (S m≢n Z)) (Ax Z)
>>>           (Ax (S p≢n (S p≢m Z)) · ⊢pred (Ax (S m≢n Z)) · Ax Z)))))
>>>       · ⊢pred (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z))
>>>       · Ax Z)))
>>>    · ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)
>>>    · ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero))
>>> _ = refl
>>> -}
>>> The second reduction step yields a huge term. It contains the free
>>> variable _x_1862 where I would have expected a fresh variable name to be
>>> computed. Looking at the four-step reduction above we see the name computed
>>> properly, but when going from the first step to the second it is not. The
>>> huge size of the type derivation suggests why it did not terminate after
>>> one day.
>>> Help! Why doesn’t the term reduce? Is there some way to force it to
>>> reduce?
>>> Cheers, -- P
>>> {-
>>> _ : normalise 1
>>>  (⊢λ
>>>   (⊢λ
>>>    (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z)
>>>     (⊢Y
>>>      (⊢λ
>>>       (⊢λ
>>>        (⊢λ
>>>         (⊢if0 (Ax (S m≢n Z)) (Ax Z)
>>>          (Ax (S p≢n (S p≢m Z)) · ⊢pred (Ax (S m≢n Z)) · Ax Z)))))
>>>      · ⊢pred (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z))
>>>      · Ax Z)))
>>>   · ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)
>>>   · ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero))
>>>>>>   out-of-gas
>>>   ((`λ _x_1862 ⇒
>>>     (`λ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ⇒
>>>      `if0 ` _x_1862 then
>>>      ` (suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)) else
>>>      (`Y
>>>       (`λ 0 ⇒
>>>        (`λ 1 ⇒ (`λ 2 ⇒ `if0 ` 1 then ` 2 else ` 0 · (`pred ` 1) · ` 2))))
>>>      · (`pred ` _x_1862)
>>>      · ` (suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005))))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ⟶⟨ ξ-·₁ (β-⇒ (Suc (Suc Zero))) ⟩
>>>    (`λ
>>>     foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>     (map suc
>>>      (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>       (filter
>>>        (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>        (_x_1862 ∷
>>>         [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>         suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>        | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))))
>>>>>>     `if0
>>>     (((λ w →
>>>          ((λ x → ` x) , _x_1862 ↦ `suc (`suc `zero)) w | w ≟ _x_1862)
>>>       , suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ↦
>>>       `
>>>       foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>       (map suc
>>>        (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>         (filter
>>>          (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>          (_x_1862 ∷
>>>           [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>           suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>          | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>      _x_1862
>>>      | _x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>     then
>>>     (((λ w →
>>>          ((λ x → ` x) , _x_1862 ↦ `suc (`suc `zero)) w | w ≟ _x_1862)
>>>       , suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ↦
>>>       `
>>>       foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>       (map suc
>>>        (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>         (filter
>>>          (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>          (_x_1862 ∷
>>>           [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>           suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>          | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>      (suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>      | suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ≟
>>>        suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>     else
>>>     (`Y
>>>      (`λ
>>>       suc
>>>       (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>        (map suc
>>>         (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>          (filter
>>>           (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>           (_x_1862 ∷
>>>            [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>            suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>           | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>       foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>       (map suc
>>>        (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>         (filter
>>>          (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>          (_x_1862 ∷
>>>           [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>           suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>          | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))))
>>>>>>       (`λ
>>>        suc
>>>        (suc
>>>         (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>          (map suc
>>>           (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>            (filter
>>>             (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>             (_x_1862 ∷
>>>              [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>              suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>             | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>         foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>         (map suc
>>>          (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>           (filter
>>>            (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>            (_x_1862 ∷
>>>             [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>             suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>            | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>        (suc
>>>         (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>          (map suc
>>>           (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>            (filter
>>>             (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>             (_x_1862 ∷
>>>              [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>              suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>             | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>         foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>         (map suc
>>>          (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>           (filter
>>>            (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>            (_x_1862 ∷
>>>             [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>             suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>            | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>        (`λ
>>>         suc
>>>         (suc
>>>          (suc
>>>           (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>           (map suc
>>>            (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>             (filter
>>>              (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>              (_x_1862 ∷
>>>               [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>               suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>              | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>          (suc
>>>           (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>           (map suc
>>>            (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>             (filter
>>>              (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>              (_x_1862 ∷
>>>               [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>               suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>              | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))))))
>>>>>>         (suc
>>>          (suc
>>>           (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>           (map suc
>>>            (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>             (filter
>>>              (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>              (_x_1862 ∷
>>>               [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>               suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>              | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>          (suc
>>>           (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>           (map suc
>>>            (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>             (filter
>>>              (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>              (_x_1862 ∷
>>>               [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>               suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>              | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))))))
>>>>>>         `if0
>>>         `
>>>         (suc
>>>          (suc
>>>           (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>           (map suc
>>>            (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>             (filter
>>>              (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>              (_x_1862 ∷
>>>               [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>               suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>              | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>          (suc
>>>           (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>           (map suc
>>>            (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>             (filter
>>>              (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>              (_x_1862 ∷
>>>               [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>               suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>              | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))))))
>>>         then
>>>         `
>>>         (suc
>>>          (suc
>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))))))
>>>>>>          (suc
>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))))
>>>         else
>>>         `
>>>         (suc
>>>          (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>           (map suc
>>>            (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>             (filter
>>>              (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>              (_x_1862 ∷
>>>               [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>               suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>              | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>          foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>          (map suc
>>>           (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>            (filter
>>>             (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>             (_x_1862 ∷
>>>              [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>              suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>             | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>         ·
>>>         (`pred
>>>          `
>>>          (suc
>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))))
>>>         ·
>>>         `
>>>         (suc
>>>          (suc
>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))))))
>>>>>>          (suc
>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>           (suc
>>>            (foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>             (map suc
>>>              (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>               (filter
>>>                (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>                (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                 [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                 suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>                | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>>>>            foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>            (map suc
>>>             (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>              (filter
>>>               (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>               (_x_1862 ∷
>>>                [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>                suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>               | ¬?
>>>                 (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))))))))
>>>     ·
>>>     (`pred
>>>      (((λ w →
>>>           ((λ x → ` x) , _x_1862 ↦ `suc (`suc `zero)) w | w ≟ _x_1862)
>>>        , suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ↦
>>>        `
>>>        foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>        (map suc
>>>         (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>          (filter
>>>           (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>           (_x_1862 ∷
>>>            [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>            suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>           | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>       _x_1862
>>>       | _x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>     ·
>>>     (((λ w →
>>>          ((λ x → ` x) , _x_1862 ↦ `suc (`suc `zero)) w | w ≟ _x_1862)
>>>       , suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ↦
>>>       `
>>>       foldr _⊔_ 0
>>>       (map suc
>>>        (filter (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ _x_1862))
>>>         (filter
>>>          (λ x → ¬? (x ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>          (_x_1862 ∷
>>>           [ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) , _x_1862 ,
>>>           suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ])
>>>          | ¬? (_x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))))))
>>>      (suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005))
>>>      | suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_2005) ≟
>>>        suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887)))
>>>    · (`suc (`suc `zero))
>>>    ∎)
>>>   (⊢λ
>>>    (⊢if0
>>>     (.Typed.⊢ρ′
>>>      (λ {w} w∈ {z₁} y∈ →
>>>         .Typed.Σ
>>>         (⊢λ
>>>          (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>         (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)) w∈ y∈
>>>         | w ≟ _x_1862)
>>>      (.Typed.⊢ρ
>>>       (⊢λ
>>>        (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>       (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)))
>>>      (λ {_} x∈ → x∈)
>>>      (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016)
>>>      (CollectionDec.\\-to-∷ ℕ _≟_ (λ {_} x∈ → x∈) CollectionDec.here
>>>       | _x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>      (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)
>>>      | _x_1862 ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>     (.Typed.⊢ρ′
>>>      (λ {w} w∈ {z₁} y∈ →
>>>         .Typed.Σ
>>>         (⊢λ
>>>          (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>         (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)) w∈ y∈
>>>         | w ≟ _x_1862)
>>>      (.Typed.⊢ρ
>>>       (⊢λ
>>>        (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>       (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)))
>>>      (λ {_} x∈ → x∈)
>>>      (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016)
>>>      (CollectionDec.\\-to-∷ ℕ _≟_ (λ {_} x∈ → x∈)
>>>       (CollectionDec.there CollectionDec.here)
>>>       | suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ≟
>>>         suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>      Z
>>>      | suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887) ≟
>>>        suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>     (⊢subst
>>>      (λ {w} w∈′ {z₁} →
>>>         .Typed.Σ′
>>>         (λ {w₁} w∈ {z₂} y∈ →
>>>            .Typed.Σ
>>>            (⊢λ
>>>             (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>            (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)) w∈ y∈
>>>            | w₁ ≟ _x_1862)
>>>         (.Typed.⊢ρ
>>>          (⊢λ
>>>           (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>          (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)))
>>>         (λ {_} x∈ → x∈)
>>>         (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016) w∈′
>>>         | w ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>      (.Typed.⊢ρ′
>>>       (λ {w} w∈ {z₁} y∈ →
>>>          .Typed.Σ
>>>          (⊢λ
>>>           (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>          (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)) w∈ y∈
>>>          | w ≟ _x_1862)
>>>       (.Typed.⊢ρ
>>>        (⊢λ
>>>         (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>        (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)))
>>>       (λ {_} x∈ → x∈)
>>>       (⊢if0 (Ax (S (fresh-lemma CollectionDec.here) Z)) (Ax Z) _2016))
>>>      (λ {z₁} x →
>>>         CollectionDec.\\-to-∷ ℕ _≟_ (λ {_} x∈ → x∈)
>>>         (CollectionDec.there (CollectionDec.there x))
>>>         | z₁ ≟ suc _x_1862 ⊔ foldr _⊔_ 0 (map suc _xs_1887))
>>>      _2016))
>>>    · ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero))
>>> -}
>>> .   \ Philip Wadler, Professor of Theoretical Computer Science,
>>> .   /\ School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
>>> .  /  \ and Senior Research Fellow, IOHK
>>> . http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/
>>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Agda mailing list
>>> Agda at lists.chalmers.se
>>> https://lists.chalmers.se/mailman/listinfo/agda
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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