[Agda] Symmetry
Philip Wadler
wadler at inf.ed.ac.uk
Thu May 3 13:49:03 CEST 2018
Here is a proof that reduction is deterministic:
-- Values do not reduce
> Val-⟶ : ∀ {M N} → Value M → ¬ (M ⟶ N)
> Val-⟶ Fun ()
> Val-⟶ Zero ()
> Val-⟶ (Suc VM) (ξ-suc M⟶N) = Val-⟶ VM M⟶N
-- Reduction is deterministic
det : ∀ {M M′ M″}
> → (M ⟶ M′)
> → (M ⟶ M″)
> ----------
> → M′ ≡ M″
> det (ξ-·₁ L⟶L′) (ξ-·₁ L⟶L″) = cong₂ _·_ (det L⟶L′ L⟶L″) refl
> det (ξ-·₁ L⟶L′) (ξ-·₂ VL _) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ VL L⟶L′)
> det (ξ-·₁ L⟶L′) (β-→ _) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Fun L⟶L′)
> det (ξ-·₂ VL _) (ξ-·₁ L⟶L″) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ VL L⟶L″)
> det (ξ-·₂ _ M⟶M′) (ξ-·₂ _ M⟶M″) = cong₂ _·_ refl (det M⟶M′ M⟶M″)
> det (ξ-·₂ _ M⟶M′) (β-→ VM) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ VM M⟶M′)
> det (β-→ VM) (ξ-·₁ L⟶L″) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Fun L⟶L″)
> det (β-→ VM) (ξ-·₂ _ M⟶M″) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ VM M⟶M″)
> det (β-→ _) (β-→ _) = refl
> det (ξ-suc M⟶M′) (ξ-suc M⟶M″) = cong `suc_ (det M⟶M′ M⟶M″)
> det (ξ-pred M⟶M′) (ξ-pred M⟶M″) = cong `pred_ (det M⟶M′ M⟶M″)
> det (ξ-pred M⟶M′) β-pred-zero = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Zero M⟶M′)
> det (ξ-pred M⟶M′) (β-pred-suc VM) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ (Suc VM) M⟶M′)
> det β-pred-zero (ξ-pred M⟶M′) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Zero M⟶M′)
> det β-pred-zero β-pred-zero = refl
> det (β-pred-suc VM) (ξ-pred M⟶M′) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ (Suc VM) M⟶M′)
> det (β-pred-suc _) (β-pred-suc _) = refl
> det (ξ-if0 L⟶L′) (ξ-if0 L⟶L″) = cong₃ `if0_then_else_ (det L⟶L′ L⟶L″) refl
> refl
> det (ξ-if0 L⟶L′) β-if0-zero = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Zero L⟶L′)
> det (ξ-if0 L⟶L′) (β-if0-suc VL) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ (Suc VL) L⟶L′)
> det β-if0-zero (ξ-if0 L⟶L″) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Zero L⟶L″)
> det β-if0-zero β-if0-zero = refl
> det (β-if0-suc VL) (ξ-if0 L⟶L″) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ (Suc VL) L⟶L″)
> det (β-if0-suc _) (β-if0-suc _) = refl
> det (ξ-Y M⟶M′) (ξ-Y M⟶M″) = cong `Y_ (det M⟶M′ M⟶M″)
> det (ξ-Y M⟶M′) (β-Y refl) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Fun M⟶M′)
> det (β-Y refl) (ξ-Y M⟶M″) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ Fun M⟶M″)
> det (β-Y refl) (β-Y refl) = refl
The proof and all relevant definitions are here:
Almost half the lines in the above proof are redundant, for example
det (ξ-·₁ L⟶L′) (ξ-·₂ VL _) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ VL L⟶L′)
> det (ξ-·₂ VL _) (ξ-·₁ L⟶L″) = ⊥-elim (Val-⟶ VL L⟶L″)
are essentially identical.
What I would like to do is delete the redundant lines and add
det M⟶M′ M⟶M″ = sym (det M⟶M″ M⟶M′)
to the bottom of the proof. But, of course, the termination checker
How can I rewrite the proof to exploit symmetry? Cheers, -- P
. \ Philip Wadler, Professor of Theoretical Computer Science,
. /\ School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
. / \ and Senior Research Fellow, IOHK
. http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/
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