[Agda] agda-mode input method

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Thu Apr 26 10:32:36 CEST 2018

On 2018-04-26 10:28, Frederik Hanghøj Iversen wrote:
> I'd like to use the input method that agda-mode ships with in other
> major-modes. If I do `M-x set-input-method` Agda does not appear
> anywhere on the list. Only after I engage `M-x agda2-mode` (and then
> change back again) does it appear on the list.
> Can anyone more emacs-savvy than me explain why this is the case?

The Agda mode is typically not loaded when Emacs is started, but when an
Agda file is opened, see agda2.el for implementation details.


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