[Agda] new generalize feature, first version

Nils Anders Danielsson nad at cse.gu.se
Sun Apr 1 10:35:33 CEST 2018

On 2018-04-01 01:20, Peter Divianszky wrote:
> I just implemented another simplified naming which is stable too.

>      {σ.Γ σ.Δ δ.Γ ν.Γ : Con}

>      {σ.1 σ.2 δ.1 ν.1 : Con}

These naming schemes have the advantage that one cannot give the
arguments by name, so the names do not matter, but the type signatures
are still readable.

If one of these arguments needs to be given explicitly, then one can
give it by position. However, this is rather clunky (f {_} {_} {_} {x}),
and could lead to brittle code.


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