[Agda] Typed DeBruijn, typed Phoas, and untyped DeBruijn

Ulf Norell ulf.norell at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 16:10:29 CET 2018

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 2:31 PM, Roman <effectfully at gmail.com> wrote:

> The downside is that `agda-prelude` is not compatible with the standard
> library.

These days agda-prelude is compatible with the standard library. The only
is that the deriving Eq functionality gives you an implementation of the
Eq record, but converting it to the standard library equivalent should be

In fact here's the code:

-- These two imports are from agda-prelude (
open import Tactic.Deriving.Eq using (deriveEq)
import Prelude

  unquoteDecl EqType = deriveEq EqType (quote Type)
  unquoteDecl EqEnv  = deriveEq EqEnv  (quote Env)

⊥To⊥ : Prelude.⊥ → ⊥
⊥To⊥ ()

decToDec : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → Prelude.Dec A → Dec A
decToDec (Prelude.yes x) = yes x
decToDec (Prelude.no nx) = no (⊥To⊥ ∘ nx)

_≟T_ : ∀ (A B : Type) → Dec (A ≡ B)
A ≟T B = decToDec (A Prelude.== B)

_≟_ : ∀ (Γ Δ : Env) → Dec (Γ ≡ Δ)
Γ ≟ Δ = decToDec (Γ Prelude.== Δ)

/ Ulf
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