[Agda] Disappearing unicode in Literate Agda - XeLatex

Matthew Daggitt matthewdaggitt at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 14:47:04 CET 2017

I've been trying to get literate agda up and running as per the
instructions in the documentation
and I'm having problems getting unicode symbols to appear inside code
blocks. I've run "agda --latex code.lagda" to get the following
"code.tex" file below .














When I compile it using XeLatex (or LuaLatex) everything compiles without
errors and it all appears fine (including the first ℕ symbol outside of the
code block) except that the ℕ symbol inside the \AgdaDatatype{} command
doesn't appear. The same problem occurs when I place any unicode character
inside the \AgdaDatatype{} command. I've tried adding in various
combinations of the following package imports (even though according to the
documentation they shouldn't be necessary in XeLatex):






Does anyone have any suggestions?

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