[Agda] instance arguments and negation.

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis apostolis.xekoukoulotakis at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 11:52:04 CET 2017

I made a negation that takes an instance argument. This unfortunately stops
unification from taking place.

In hole 0 , the type is ⊥.
in hole 1 , the type is ¬ B .a

Is there a way to force agda to have (¬ᵢ B .a) in hole 0 so that
unification deduces a?

data ⊥ : Set where

infix 3 ¬ᵢ_

¬ᵢ_ : ∀ {ℓ} → Set ℓ → Set ℓ
¬ᵢ P = {{p : P}} → ⊥

infix 3 ¬_

¬_ : ∀ {ℓ} → Set ℓ → Set ℓ
¬ P = (p : P) → ⊥

data A : Set where
  a1 : A
  a2 : A

data B : A → Set where
  b1 : B a1
  b2 : B a2

gun : ∀{a} → ¬ᵢ B a
gun = {!!}

fun : ∀{a} → ¬ᵢ B a
fun = gun

gun2 : ∀{a} → ¬ B a
gun2 = {!!}

fun2 : ∀{a} → ¬ B a
fun2 = gun2

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