[Agda] ⊥-elim and proof duplication. Is there another way?

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis apostolis.xekoukoulotakis at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 07:10:14 CEST 2017

Consider this example :

module test where

open import Data.Empty
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary

data A : Set where
  a1 a2 : A

data B : A → Set where
  b1 : B a1

data C : ∀{a} → B a → Set where
  c : ∀{a} → {b : B a} → C b

fun : ¬ (B a2)
fun ()

gun : (a : A) → (b : B a) → C b
gun a1 b = c
gun a2 b = ⊥-elim (fun b)

run : (a : A) → (b : B a) → gun a b ≡ c
run a1 b = refl
run a2 b = ⊥-elim (fun b)

For the run function, I have to provide the same proof that I gave in the
gun function.
If the proof is big, then it becomes cumbersome and it increases the
complexity of the code.

Is there a way to not do that?

Keep in mind that in this example, we could avoid ⊥-elim, we could simply
case split on b. I am referring to the cases where we cannot avoid ⊥-elim.
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